Tuesday, December 15, 2009

7 years!!! WOW!!!!

Yesterday Jon and I celebrated our seven year anniversary! I can't believe how fast time is flying. We went out to dinner (thanks mom for watching the girls) and went to the mall, we had a great night!! I will post pictures of our night out later today...off to get my haircut!!! Happy Anniversary babe!!! I love you!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Soooo Close!!!

It is Thursday again which means I weigh in...I lost half a pound this week! I know it is a small loss but I am getting down to my final goal so I am really excited!! Hopefully this week before we leave for our "mini family vacation" I can lose two more pounds. I am going to lower my strength training and up my cardio!!!! until it becomes freedom!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Ornaments!!

I know I have said how much I love Christmas and I thought I would post one of my favorite things about Christmas which is unwrapping the ornaments that Jon and I have gathered in our time together as a family! I took a few shots of my favorite ones :-)
Mine from when I was a little girl:
This is the one I picked this year:
My first ornament when I was preggo with Belle:
This was the one Jon picked last year we couldn't remember why he picked it,
but it makes me laugh whenever I see this big nut on my tree:

From our trip to Florida this year
From our trip to San Fransisco when we lived in California
Our First Christmas (almost seven years ago):My personal favorite this year...it was a wedding gift:

Monday, December 7, 2009

It is Christmas Time in the Taylor House!!

Christmas is my most favorite holiday of the year (with the 4th of July being a close second). I love everything about it the reason, the lights, the smells, the trees, the decorations, the food, the break from life and the family time. I HATE being cold and got pretty spoiled in California, but somehow it is OK around Christmas...I don't mind it so much! This year I let Jon buy whatever tree he wanted and since we have high ceilings he definitely got the biggest he could find. Luckily this year we were putting up a little angel topper Belle made in class and not our normal star or it wouldn't have fit at all:-) We wont go sooo big next year but it was nice to have enough room for all the ornaments this year!!! I tried to put the pics in order of our wonderful night which also included pizza, a warm cozy fire, charlie brown Christmas, while you were sleeping, Christmas vacation and a Christmas carol (last year we hardly watched any of our Christmas movies so we were determined this year!!) Merry Christmas!!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas Ornaments 2009

We went and bought our ornaments last night and we are putting up our tree tonight!! I am super stoked because Belle is getting old enough to help and enjoy it!!

She's is up and crawling...EVERYWHERE!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Weighing Down!

I weighed yesterday but I had a crazy day so I didn't get to post it. I weighed in at 131. Last week I had gained a pound so this week I lost 1.8 lbs. so I lost the one pound I had gained and plus .8!!! I was super stoked and would love to get down to 128 before our trip to galveston!! (2 weeks) I am moving from the "just get the fat off my body to toning it up." It is really exciting to feel the differnce in and on my body. Thanks for following on my story!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

For Thanksgiving this year we went to Arkansas to stay with some friends that we had met in California, it was so nice to get to all be together and it really felt like we were back in Cali--minus the really cold weather we had;-) The boys playing Risk!!
Blue-eyed girls
Turkey Time Jason really is one of the best cooks I know!!
Madison and Kimber
Sweet Isabelle...well most of the time The girls relaxing

Growing Big


The other day I was folding Belle's laundry and I really wasn't thinking to much then as I folded her second pair of Pajamas I realized that I was no longer just folding them in half, but in THIRDS because she is so tall. I then realized how fast time is flying by. Something happens after you have two kids...time goes SUPER fast, I don't know why or how but it does. When we just had belle I thought time went fast but had no idea until Kimberlin came into the picture. Kimber is already 6 1/2 months old, I can't believe it. What I am learning from this realization: Cherish every moment even the mundane moments.

Camping Out Inside...

Jon set up the tent in Belle's room and they had a little campout:-) They actually slept in the tent all night, Isabelle thought that it was super cool...she had never stayed in a tent before. Maybe next spring we will get to do some real camping with our little family of four:-)