Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Little Girl!

This was one of the outfits that I had made last year to sell, but never got around to it so i decided to let Belle wear it!! She still thinks smiling means "close your eyes" not sure why but oh well...

Baby Shower!!!

The church threw us a baby shower and we were sooo thankful to everbody that came to celebrate with us!! We received over one thousand diaper wipes and 600 diapers!!! Which is exactly what we asked for!! Thanks to everyone!

Isabelle trying to go on Daddy's trip!

Jon had a church planting conference that he went to in Florida this last week and last saturday when he was packing Belle was trying to fit into his they came to me and this was there plan for her to go with daddy:-) Two year olds are soooo fun! It is the best of times and the worst of times...I think.

34 Weeks Pregnant!

Dying Easter Eggs!!

This was the first year that we died easter eggs, it was so much fun. The cool part was beginning to teach her why we celebrate Easter, because of what Jesus did for us! We had a great Easter!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

31 weeks!!

I'm officially 31 weeks pregnant!!! I had a dr's apt. yesterday and all is well!!! He said her head is down and she feels like she is in launch position:-) The pics on the bottom are of me when I was thirty one weeks preggo with Isabelle. I seem to be carrying them the same! I'm definitely more modest with number#2

After Party!

The next morning Belle woke up and grabbed a few toys ahe had gotten and one balloon and walked around talking about her big party:-)

2nd Birthday Party!!

This was Isabelle's actual party with family! I have learned a couple of things since her first party and these are: Do the gifts first before bringing out the cake because after seeing the cake they really don't feel like saying "thanks" for the gifts they just WANT the you can tell by the look on her face, I'll let you guess which picture!
2nd is that it is way easier to decorate one room in the house then try to decorate outside in the windy weather! besides now Belle thinks that the dining room is the "party Room" :-)

First Day to be TWO!!!

Watching to see what daddy is doing on this ride.

Isabelle's actual birthday (03/21/09) Jon had a day of surprises planned for the birthday girl:-) We started the day out with pink donuts, then we headed to Chuck E. Cheese after nap and then ice cream at braums:-) it was a great day!