OK, so after my post yesterday I looked up to see if there was actually a phobia for chalk?? I
didn't come across an actually name for it but there has to be one because there are so many crazy ones...well at least as crazy as mine is. I stumbled on this website listing funny phobias so I decided to list a few from each letter of the alphabet:
AcerophobiaFear of sourness
AlliumphobiaFear of garlic (how bland food would be)
Anthrophobia or
AnthophobiaFear of flowers
BarophobiaFear of gravity (really?)
Bromidrosiphobia or
BromidrophobiaFear of body smells (this one is funny)
CacophobiaFear of ugliness
DutchphobiaFear of the Dutch
EphebiphobiaFear of teenagers
FrancophobiaFear of France or French culture
GeniophobiaFear of chins (this one had me laughing because I can just picture someone running out
yelling: CHINS!!!!!!!)
HylophobiaFear of forests
IchthyophobiaFear of fish
JapanophobiaFear of Japanese
Kainolophobia or
KainophobiaFear of anything new, novelty (how sad)
LachanophobiaFear of vegetables (better stay clear of veggie tales)
MetrophobiaFear or hatred of poetry (must be the rhyming)
NephophobiaFear of clouds
OctophobiaFear of the figure 8
PeladophobiaFear of bald people (what if they ended up bald?)
RhytiphobiaFear of getting wrinkles
SesquipedalophobiaFear of long words (this one is crazy because to tell people that they have a phobia they would scream in fear to pronounce their phobia)
TremophobiaFear of trembling
UrophobiaFear of urine or urinating
VenustraphobiaFear of beautiful women
WalloonphobiaFear of the Walloons ( a french speaking person living in
didnt know that one)
ZemmiphobiaFear of the great mole rat (?)
Thought this was interesting...