Monday, January 31, 2011

Good Times...

Just a fun few pictures of an awesome night of laughing and playing games!!!!
Seriously my stomach hurt these night due to laughing so hard....good times~ may we never take them for granted!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Holding out for sunny weather!!!!!

My new background is a hope I am holding out for that the sun will appear again in all its glory!!! I am not a fan of winter so I decided I would make my blog sunny and bright since the weather wont be for a bit longer:(((( Anyways almost done with January!!!!

Christmas Tree!!

I know, I know my pics are behind but in part I am keeping this blog to keep events in order for myself to look back on, so here they are!!! The girls really enjoyed the night of putting up our tree and watching our favorite movies!! It was awesome!!!!!

Isabelle picked our tree!!!

The only picture I had of them together!!

Kimberlin was loving it!!

We went straight out after Jon got off work so he is in his painters whites, no, he doesn't wear white jeans for fun...I wouldn't allow this;)

Isabelle very focused on putting up her ornament!

Can't forget the back of the tree!!


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Shout out to the Fosters!!!!!!

This picture is actually from back in December when our friend (Jon's best friend from highschool) graduated with his Bachelors, but the exciting news is that the weeks following this to current a lot has happened in their lives!! Seeking God's direction is so important and Jon and I have had the honor to be praying with Donald and Rhonni about where God wants them serving! Anyways Donald applied to med school and found out yesterday he was accepted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is awesome that he got in, but even more awesome that God answered our prayers in directing their lives!!!! Congrats Fosters we are so proud to get to be journeying with you!!! Go forward and serve God!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mundanity of Life....

"Mundane. Boring. Unspectacular. Unnoticed. We want to do big things for God; the mundane is, well, mundane.Why does God make us prove ourselves in the small, unseen, mundane things before trusting us with more responsibility? Because integrity and character are born in the mundane places where no one sees but God. God cares more about who you are than about what you do. The mundane tasks you do today are significant-both in how they serve others and in how God is preparing you."

I cannot claim the greatness above, it came from my daily Bible study, but it really struck a chord deep in my heart and really challenged me on my attitude of the mundane things in life. It gets hard to be a mom of young kids (and I am sure kids in general, but I am just a mom of younger kids) you end up doing a lot that will never be seen a lot that may never be acknowledged, but it is stuff that matters. In serving your children they are learning to serve others. In loving your children, they are learning to love. In building relationships and ministering to people your children's eyes are seeing and their hearts are learning. What a beautiful opportunity we have to love and serve God, in training our children through our

"Because integrity and character are born when no one can see but God...."

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Downtown, haircuts, forts and such...

Yes, I am still playing catch up on the blogging world...but I think I am making progress!! This first group of pictures is from this beautiful night in December, the day was like 72 degrees and that night was only like 68, it was sooooo perfect!! We love downtown and spend a lot of time there in the summer and so this was a nice little gift in the middle of December!! Daddy and his girls!!

Mom and Kimberlin!!

Isabelle wanted a picture 'picking the statues nose'
My sweet girls!!Sisters!!!
Kimberlin's first haircut! She was getting the 'she mullet' or the 'shullet' so we decided it was time to trim it up!! Also because Jon has quite the fear of mullets:) Moms reading this please do not make the same mistake I did with this one, I always tell Kimberlin not to touch sharp stuff or it will cut her, so when we went to get her haircut I was telling her, 'we are going to cut your hair' this look of fear kept coming over her, then I realized it was because she had always heard cut as bad thing, anyways by the end of it we were saying your hair is getting trimmed, instead of cut....a lot less traumatic...hopefully!!
This is 'not so sure look' I was talking about:)
For Christmas Isabelle got some pajamas from her grandma and it came with matching PJ's for the doll!! They are tooo cute and Belle loved them:)
Jon brought Kimberlin in from the car and stood her up, but when he went back out to get Belle and came back in, Kimberlin was down and out!!!
On December 14th, Jon and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary!
Christmas Eve morning I made the girls a fort and they played in the fort for like an hour and half together, reading books and laughing, it was so sweet!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Defining Moment...

January for me comes with a lot more time spent indoors, and the girls and I don't get out that much. If you remember reading my profile 'I HATE the cold weather' so I really do try to avoid it at all costs. This means that I am not around as many people as I normally am, and with this it brings a lot of time to think about life.
The other day as I was folding another load of laundry, this question kept creeping up in my head?? Who am I? Am I a follwer of Christ, a wife, a mom, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a leader, a follower?? Yes. What defines me? Does a role I live define me, a realtionship I have? Does how I choose to spend my time define me? I then started thinking about how the little choices in life do define us and they do create who we are, but that still left me feeling disappointed because I know I haven't made the best choices in life and if all these things are chiseling out who I am then I am afraid there would be a lot of cracks straight to the core.
I am grateful that a weak moment or even a great moment in one single act doesn't create who we are as a whole but rather that God is the one who is defining who we are and creating us to look more like Him from the inside out, if we choose to follow Him.
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God, prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10
So am I (are we) choosing to walk with confidence into the good works which God has prepared for us? As someone wise once asked me, "the question is simple...are you going to be obedient or not??"

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Month of November...a little behind!

Here is the last of our November pics! (nothing to thrilling just trying to keep everything in order, between moving and no Internet life has been nuts:) I am emptying my cameras and hoping to get the all in order tomorrow and then start posting regularly again!

Isabelle enjoying her first cup of hot chocolate!!!!

I was able to go down to Dallas to be with Summer during Lyric's heart surgery and it was such a blessing to get to help in carrying her through this time! Lyric is doing awesome and growing great!! Please continue to pray for her voice as her vocal chord was paralyzed during surgery and this may or may not be permanent, we are just waiting to see how God is going to work there:)

One night after we had put Kimberlin in her bed she decided at some point to sleep under her bed, why you might ask??? Who knows!!! She brings so much joy to our life because she is just so funny and quirky:)
The girls and I decided one day to have a 'date day' so we headed off to the zoo, this day was one of the best days of my life!! The zoo was quiet and the weather was beyond perfect! It was a gift from God for us three girls on that day!!
Here are my only pics from thanksgiving (we were at three different peoples houses and in two states all in one day so it was a little crazy!!) However to mark Thanksgiving 2010, here are the pics!!