Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Simple Question

Every morning when my alarm goes off for me to get up and get to the gym, while it is still dark outside, I really struggle and ask myself "do I really want to go to the gym today or would I rather sleep?" The obvious answer is sleep, so I throw my legs over the side of the bed and force myself to wake up, somewhere between sliding my gym clothes on and brushing my teeth I finally wake up.
What I was struck with last week was the thought that getting up and making the gym a priority is easy, I mean the decision is easy, I either do it or I don't. This thought stuck with me all week because our lives are a series of choices, good and bad, we are constantly deciding things that determine our hour, our day, our week, our month, our year and our lives. These small choices add up.
I think often we, as humans make life too difficult, saying that a certain sin is too complicated to give up, that it insnares us too much, or that a relationship is too hard to fight for, or that we are too tired to sacrifice, too selfish to love, and too stubborn to be obedient. It just isn't as complicated as we make it, is it?
Someone I really respect asked me this question when I was going through some hard choices in my life, she looked at me and said, "Randi, it doesn't matter how you feel, the question is are you going to be obedient to God or not?" This question has helped me through so much, and no I don't always make the right choice.
So today the question is will you?

Will you live a life of discipline to God?

Will you pursue a godly, healthy marriage, when it feels too tough to stay in it?

Will you live a life sacrificing for others?

Will you love, when you just can't find it in you to love?

Will you be obedient?

Will You?


  1. I am somewhat laughing right now, b/c I just finished my quiet time, and this was almost my exact prayer,, basically, to not be lazy! And that all it is, is a simple, basic choice. A choice! Nothing hard, just easy to be excused. You hit right on target with this one! Glad it's not just me that feels overwhelmed sometimes:)
