Sunday, July 31, 2011


Burdens. Carrying your own burdens. Carrying other peoples burdens. These thoughts have been spinning in my head lately, for no real reason just in talking with people who are struggling in life, whether it be financial, or family, or a certain sin, or just a season of life that is difficult. We are called to carry one anothers burdens and to help each other through this life and on that journey help each other look more like Christ. It is tough. It is tough to carry your own burdens, let alone thinking of picking someone else's burdens up, but it is our responsibility as believers. This is something Christ wanted us to follow through on...

Bear one anothers burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

So think back to a time when someone came to you and stood beside you to help you through a difficult time, not thinking of themselves, but instead lifting some of the burden so that you could stand a little straighter, that person was acting out in love and fulfilling the law of Christ.

Now think back to a time when you sacrificed and stood beside someone to help carry their burden? Can you think of a time? If not then look around at your brothers and sisters in Christ and get in the trenches of life with them, carry their burden, you may be surprised how God will work in your heart and move in mighty ways. Burden's of life are everywhere, but God left us with instruction on how to help each other. So are we?

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