Friday, November 18, 2011

My Sister, My Friend

in this post there are two sets of pictures, that hugely represents to different people, in the first pictures I was newly married and moved away, Summer was still in high school. I say all of that to say that if I could sit and right down the events between the older pics and the newer ones, the events, the relationships, the girl, the life, between those two times, we became different, we became grown up, living adult lifes. Neither of us knowing how our story would unfold or what the outcome would be, but we did know two things. That God knew our stories, even the screwed up part, and the second thing was that we had each other as long as God would allow. We have gotten married, graduated, had babies, had open heart surgery on one of those babies, we have failed, we have succeeded, we have changed, and most importantly we have grown. Thank you Summie, even though you did not get to choose me, I am grateful that God chose you for me!! He has been good to us and may we not forget to thank, love and continue to grow in Him daily.

Please note that in the top picture on the right we had no idea it started taking the picture, hence our midsections then we sat down in the three seconds it gave us and then we just improvised:)

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