Friday, May 22, 2009

Kimberlin is here!!!

I know that mostly everybody knows by now but she is here and all went awesome!! She was born at 9:25 am on sunday, May 17th. She was 6 pounds 5 ounces and 19 1/4 long! She looks a lot like Isabelle did when she was born, in one of the pictures below Summer took a picture of a picture from Isabelle's birth and then from Kimberlin. A lot of people have asked us what we might shorten her name to and if we did we would call her Kimber! Thanks to Amanda and Corley for loving Isabelle during my hospital stay!

37 Weeks...

So I know this post is a little late but it was tooo cute not to put up, this was about 1 week before i delivered. Jon was taking a picture of my ever-growing belly and Belle said "here dad get a picture of my baby" it was awesome! Just something small that makes the second time around a little sweeter!

Tyler is Graduated!!! I'm so Proud!

I'm so proud of my little brother!! Since we have moved back to Oklahoma Tyler, Jon and I have all really gotten close and I'm so thankful for the oppurtunity that God has given us to be a part of his life during this time! i love you little brother and thanks for always looking out for me, and for always being willing to help me out! You are awesome! Congrats!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Pregnancy Update

Hey everyone I'm due to pop in 17 days and all is well~~ The dr. said that I am dialated between a 1-2 and 50% effaced:-) The doctor said the progress is good and my next appointment is thursday! She can't come til I get my hair cut on tuesday!!

Preggo Pics!!!

My beautiful sister took my pregnancy pics!! So here they are! She did an awesome job! There are like a thousand more but I had to pick only a handful to post!!!!