Friday, April 30, 2010

Flashback Friday!!!

April '06 when Nesta's Family came to visit in California!!
Isabelle's first Easter in April '07
Playing at the park in '08
One of the dresses I made and sold on Ebay! '08
Mommy, Belle and Aunt Mer
This is in April '09, this was Isabelle's last month to be an only child!
Kimberlin's last month in my tummy!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Our Running Team!!!

Courtany at 5:00 in the morning!!!
On our way to the run!!!

Right after I crossed my finish line!!

We all wore shirts that matched so we made Belle and Kimber matching shirts too!!!
Four out of our five person relay team!!
My best friend Jessica and her Isabelle with me and my Isabelle:)

Check out the medals!!

Waiting on Courtany to cross the finish line!
Summer watched me cross the finish!!
Thanks Summer it meant the world to me to have you there!

My in-laws also came to support me!! Thanks guys

Sunday night we went out to dinner to celebrate!!!

It was an awesome day for me!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Whether, you eat or drink....

This is a daily reminder for me, so i thought I would share it. I love how the verse goes to the simplest things such as eating and drinking being done to glorify God! Sometimes I think that in my daily stuff such as cooking and cleaning, laundry and diapers, that how can I glorify God through this?? But I can and hopefully I do more days then not...whatever you do....whatever I do...may it glorify God!

Monday, April 26, 2010

coffee mugs...

OK, so I know this is pretty random, but welcome to my blog!! Randomness is a theme I have going for me :-) Anyhow the other day I ran into this dollar store and I came across these beautiful mugs, it wasn't like I was really in the market for coffee cups or even that I was at the dollar store looking for coffee cups, but SURPRISE!!! I instantly fell in love with the sayings on each one and the colors!! I debated buying them, not for very long mind you because my coffee cup cabinet is full of random coffee cups of which none I have purchased...we have received them for gifts, or from visiting churches in California, or when I worked at Starbucks. So I decided it was time to clean up that cabinet a little and have some theme up there! Awesome treasure at the dollar store:)

Saturday, April 24, 2010


OK, so after my post yesterday I looked up to see if there was actually a phobia for chalk?? I didn't come across an actually name for it but there has to be one because there are so many crazy ones...well at least as crazy as mine is. I stumbled on this website listing funny phobias so I decided to list a few from each letter of the alphabet:

Fear of sourness

Fear of garlic (how bland food would be)

Anthrophobia or Anthophobia
Fear of flowers

Fear of gravity (really?)

Bromidrosiphobia or Bromidrophobia
Fear of body smells (this one is funny)

Fear of ugliness

Fear of the Dutch

Fear of teenagers

Fear of France or French culture

Fear of chins (this one had me laughing because I can just picture someone running out yelling: CHINS!!!!!!!)

Fear of forests

Fear of fish

Fear of Japanese

Kainolophobia or Kainophobia
Fear of anything new, novelty (how sad)

Fear of vegetables (better stay clear of veggie tales)

Fear or hatred of poetry (must be the rhyming)

Fear of clouds

Fear of the figure 8

Fear of bald people (what if they ended up bald?)

Fear of getting wrinkles

Fear of long words (this one is crazy because to tell people that they have a phobia they would scream in fear to pronounce their phobia)

Fear of trembling

Fear of urine or urinating

Fear of beautiful women

Fear of the Walloons ( a french speaking person living in Belguim...didnt know that one)

Fear of the great mole rat (?)

Thought this was interesting...

Friday, April 23, 2010

Chalk Phobia

Let me start this post by saying that I have a fear of chalk...I hate touching it, looking at it, or hearing it. Even as I type I am getting chills. Ughhh. I hate it! However I have small children and outdoor chalk is a great way to spend an afternoon with them, it lets them be outside and be creative. I ran into this dilemma outside the other day because I really have a hard time looking at it. Trying to be a better mom, I guess I am also going to grow as a human in general (if liking chalk makes you a better person:), so out we go and I have this great idea....I will take a zip lock bag and hold onto the chalk while I write (deciding to grow a little at a time, I cannot feel it, hear it and hold it all in one day.)

So that is just what I did, I held the bag and the chalk, after a while Belle was watching me and decided that she too, needed a bag to hold hers, well I only took one and so there I was this huge phobia staring me in the face..."do I dare try to just be like a normal person with chalk??" I decided against being normal and took pics of the chalk instead so I could share. It was a fun and a very artistic day we made butterflies and wrote the alphabet, but I didn't beat my fear, I am afraid all I did was make my daughter think that she now needs a bag to write with chalk...great...I am passing on my fears. :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Vacation at Medicine Park 2010

We ended up taking a last minute vacation, and we went to Medicine Park and got a cabin. Our friends Mic and Jessica went with us, they have two kids, so all the kids had a great time playing together:) It was so relaxing!!!! The pics really aren't in order but you will at least see them, sorry there are sooo many...

I was standing at the top of the dam, it was pretty cool!

Smore time!!!!!

If I did end up in real jail, it would be with


This was a cedar tree plantation, it was really cool.

I love this pic!!!
The last day it was just our family, so Jon took all three of his girls hiking!!! Isabelle did so great, she was brave and adventerous!!! I was proud of her!!


Mic and Jess

I pray that Jess and I are good models for our daughters of what true friendship looks like!


She is a mountain climber!!!

Jess and Landon!

Last time we were at Medicine Park, I took a pic of this, I was 32 pounds heavier then...crazy

This really is a kodak moment, these girls are always doing something crazy together!!
Dad hiking with his girls!!

This pic is so them....


Taking in the view!!

Take time to smell the flowers....and I think they picked some too...

"You go first"
Beautiful girl!
Best Friends