Sunday, December 12, 2010

to-do lists

I have not really blogged in quite awhile, life has just been sooooooo busy (I know, I know that is everyone's story right now) and that is because life is super busy right now. Just this last week I was home with super sick kids, connected with people in our community, drove down to Texas for a friend's graduation, picked up my sister at the airport, worked out, cooked, grocery shopped, kept the house clean and laundry going, I know this is nothing special just a normal week of life, and please don't misunderstand me, most of this stuff was great (well not the sick kid stuff :-() but connecting with the community God has given us and spending a few brief hours with my sister, seeing a friend graduate with his masters! All this stuff was great, but I am tired.
So why am I writing all this tonight? What does this have to do with anything? Well I guess my question is this where is the balance of living life like one giant to do list and really stopping and enjoying life? I don't just want to get through the day, week or even year and realized that I was just doing things to check them off my list. Is there a balance there or is that what life is when you are an adult? Living life with checklists and to-do's, but not in the checklists and to-do's.
Here in sit on Sunday night (too late) and I am going to face this next week with a little different approach, trying to be sensitive to when I need to let the 'lists' rest, and be sensitive to what God is calling me to do. These are precious moments I have been given with the girls and I want to teach my daughters (sponges if you will) that I have been blessed with as much as I can, about living life in God's presence. I want to be productive and relational....c'mon Monday bring it on!!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Thoughts on community....

At our new church our women's group started today and I am beyond EXCITED!!!!!!!! I really could use the honesty of other women pursuing God, and I am so honored to get to know these ladies and to be apart of their lives. As I arrived (a little late always making one a little self conscious) I started to feel this pull that maybe today I just shouldn't go, maybe I would just join in next week, I thought to myself, after all I am the new kid in town of this group of women, but I got out of the car and went in. As I sat there the leader described how she is very open with her life, and struggles, because she remembers a time when she was a new believer and she had Christian women in her life, but yet she still felt alone and like she didn't have anyone to confide in and to pray with her. I sat looking around the circle at women who were all so different, but our passion and pursuit is the know God more, and to look more like Him!!!! God has answered a prayer for a spiritual sisterhood in my life, and I am excited to see the great things God is going to do in and through this group.
After I got home I read this devotional that had this scripture so I wanted to share it because I think it is essential to real community!

Real wisdom, God's wisdom, begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others. It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings, not hot one day and cold the next, not two faced. You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy it's results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honor.
James 3:17-18
(this is from the message so it is worded differently...but I loved the way it was worded)

Be patient with each other, and live in peace....

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Our Life Lately....

Life has been pretty insane lately...moving, new jobs, new friends, new church, helping out with Lyric, trips to Dallas, halloween, thanksgiving!! A lot has been going on and things have felt completely out of control, for people who know me, I don't like this much. I don't like that unsettled feeling, but through all the change it has been a time of growth. Growth with God constantly asking me to trust Him...with moving, with new jobs, with new relationships, with new church, with Lyric, with Summer, with traveling...TRUST. Trust can been a hard thing, but on the same exact hand in can be the most amazing thing ever. You see trust can push you like nothing else can, and if chosen, trust can lead you into a deeper way of living life.
I know these are a lot of pics and honestly they may seem scattered, but this is where I am at in life...

My Hot Husband!!! Jon thanks for walking with me!!

Time with Uncle Ty


My crazy girls!!!!

These pics are old but Belle was determined to make Lyric a beautiful princess bed!!! Yes, the doilees were a must!!

Kimberlin inherited some of Belle's old Jammies!!

Isabelle got to go with Jon for 'See You At the Pole' She was excited to get to pray with all the kids!!! (the face is because it was like 6 in the morning)

This is Belle sleeping in her box...her dad this with her. She is soo funny

Jess, this pic is for you...

Park Picnic Day!!

Belle and her crazy outfits!!!

One day we went to this small town festival!!
Watching the parade!!

Kimberlin sleeping in her highchair!!

They got out of order, but more festival pictures...

Jon got me this card and the outside was soooooo sweet!!!

My favorite group of pictures!!! Making cookies together!!!

I love these girls!!!!!