Thursday, January 28, 2010


Highlights of '09:

-Losing 33 pounds

-having my second daughter Kimberlin Nicole

-Seeing Isabelle experience the beach

-Going to Florida

-Deeper friendships that were built

-Celebrating 7 years of marriage
-hearing Summer's baby heartbeat
-how my views on community were challenged and forever changed
-learned to balance two kids (I am getting really good...if I say so myself)

-winning my health back and changing the future
-running my first 5k

These are in no particular order just different things that I thought of.

weighing in....

OK so my last day to post anything about my weight was back before our vacation, i believe. So pretty much I haven't been counting my points or working out. I have tried to just eat healthier and in moderation, but the time has come to get moving again. Especially if I am going to run the 10k in April. Thursday is here again and it is time to weigh....131.7. I have gained 2.7 pounds since our vacation. My goal is to hit 125 and maintain it the rest of the year!! If I do this it will be a huge step in my journey. I am really struggling with finding motivation right now...probably wont start running again quite yet because I am fighting off a kidney infection:-( trying to get back on goes

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Random Fact...

I haven't been to Cold Stone Ice cream since I lived in California, which is rounding on three years, and we ventured out as a family the other night and decided to introduce Isabelle to the many flavors of the ice cream. The random fact (which is gross to me) but Cold Stone has fruity pebbles as an option to mix in!!! (weird, huh?) That is so bizarre to me...I know you might say don't dis it til you try it, but I am just going to dis it...
point=fruity pebbles shouldn't mix with ice cream

Playing Around

The girls are becoming such good is so cool to see their relationship growing!!

Add this to things that make me smile

Love 'em!!!

Princess Time=All the Time....(for Belle anyway)

I was going back through my pics for the month of January and in almost every picture Isabelle is wearing a princess gown...she is into them big time!! We even wore one out to dinner one night!! It was funny because people were looking at me like, "OK it isn't Halloween!" I didn't mind though Isabelle was so happy!!


We live in a really old house and total this house has 24 (rather large) windows...but Kimber's room is the most beautiful when the sunlight pours into the room. I tried to catch a few pics of the sun casting shadows on her wall with her was pretty sweet!


Ok so I posted last week how I had a bad day, well that bad day pretty much turned into a terrible week...its ok now, but it was pretty the point where it was either laugh or cry...or for me, both. Anyway what does that have to do with my laundry??? Well you see first off I am shocked that four people can even make this much laundry in a weeks time, but that is not my point. These pictures are as bad as I have ever let my laundry get before, and when I decided to start working on pushing them through and getting them put away, I thought that, "well at least this isn't all the time" I thought it was sort of like sin...we always have excuses for letting it get to where it has gotten (no matter what it is bitterness, anger, lust, jealousy) , and unlike my laundry, sin isn't as easy cleaned up and put away, forgiven, yes, but there are still effects of the sin left in the debris. Just a thought I had...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Am I cRaZy??

OK so I have been asked to be part of a I wouldn't run all of it just the 10k part!!! I keep asking myself if I am crazy?? I completed my first 5k back in October and I loved the fact that I finished...but am I crazy to think I could run a 10k?? This is not just any marathon it is the "Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon!" It would be sooo awesome to be a part and even though it physically scares me I am drawn to know if I can do it...who knows maybe I am cRaZy!!

To inspire my decision: a pic before my first 5k!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

bad day...

Have you ever had one of those days where nothing real catastrophic happens but all the little minor things just wear you down...until you just feel crazy? I dont know if it is just my stage of life or if I am just losing it....needless to say I had a bad today. Nothing went terribly wrong but everything was a little off, until I was drained. Anyways Jon's at the movies and the girls are asleep so I am signing off and hoping for a better day tomorrow....

Monday, January 18, 2010

Best Friends Sleepover!!

Two princesses and one Knight to protect them!!
This is Belle and her best friend Belle:-)

Jon dressed up like a lion and gave the kids rides...that was after the
girls knight saved them from the lion and tamed him!

I am grateful for Isabelle's friends and I love that she has wonderful friends!!

Jess, you are doing a great job raising your kids!! Thanks for sharing them with us for the night!