Monday, March 28, 2011

Living with Intention....

The definition of intentions: 1-a determination to act in a certain way : resolve 2-significance 3- what one intends to do or bring about Have you ever been driving along the road and realized after a couple moments (or minutes) that you haven't really been paying attention that much? I mean, sure you are stopping at lights and you have a final goal, but you aren't really fully there, fully present? Well I found myself there the other day and as I brought myself back to reality, I realized at times I had often done that in my christian walk, just kind of journeying along but with no real focus, no real intention, just going. I realized in that moment that our lives must be lived with intention, with a determination to act in a certain way, with significance, with focus of what one intends to do or bring about. So my question to myself was this... who am I pouring into to? who am I disciplining? how am I growing? Relationships are a part of life, no matter what, they are there, good, bad and the ugly of them, they are there and I will impact the relationships I have, but will it be good, bad or ugly? Without intention it (my walk as God's daughter, my relationships, my life) could just be nothing, never pushing, never growing, never challenging, never changing. OUCH!! That sounds...well... worthless. Pursing on to living with intention....

Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Loves

"You are my I Love You" by Maryann Cusimano

I am your parent,you are my child.

I am your quiet place,you are my wild.

I am your calm face,you are my giggle.

I am your wait,you are my wiggle.

I am your push,you are my swing.

I am your audience,you are my clown.

I am your London Bridge,you are my falling down.

I am your carrot sticks,you are my licorice.

I am your dandelion,you are my first wish.

I am your open arms,you are my running leap.

I am your way home,you are my new path.

I am your dry towel,you are my wet bath.

I am your dinner,you are my chocolate cake.

I am your bedtime,you are my wide awake.

I am your finish line,you are my race.

I am your praying hands,you are my saying grace.

I am your favorite book,you are my new lines.

I am your lullaby,you are my peekabo.

I am your goodnight kiss,you are my I Love You.

Friday, March 25, 2011

4 Years Old!!!

Isabelle's birthday was on Monday, which is also the night we have our Bible study here at our house so all of her friends were coming anyway so we just threw in a cake and had a little party:) She kept telling me all day that "she wasn't four until her cake came, then she would be four!!"

Notice her sister trying to blow the candles out for her!!

Yes, Kimberlin is still trying to blow them out!

Then on Wedensday we headed downtown to Isabelle's favorite restaurant, Crabtown!!!

Isabelle got a scooter from Grandma and Papa
Daddy and his "four year old big girl"
Btw her red hat came from Granny so she can be like Jess from toy story!!
I love this shot of these two!!
Not sure what is going on up there!!
Downtown there is this new cupcake place so we took the girls and when it is your birthday you get a free cupcake with a candle!!
This is Isabelle making a birthday wish (yes it does look like she is praying) the whole place was watching as my sweet daughter wished/prayed this: "God please help me to be obedient so my mommy and daddy wont have to spank me anymore!" haha the store was laughing and I was blushing!

...this concludes our birthday adventures until May!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I have never been a great decision maker, I mean sure give me two restaurants to eat at and I will pick quickly, but when it comes to the big decisions of life...I don't like making them. I feel sick to my stomach thinking of going either direction that is at hand, I do not sharing this as it shows my lack of faith in God directing my steps, but today this is how I feel. How do you choose the correct path for your life and how do you walk in confidence in the path God has laid out? Often times it is easier for my heart to trust God on the big things like eternity, but I struggle with the daily the stuff. Why is my heart like this? Why do I struggle that God's plan is actually the best for my life? Am I that much of a control freak? God I really do want your will in my life...please show me Your heart so I can follow You.

I was reminding of this song by
Barlow Girl called Surrender

My hands hold safely to my dreams
Clutching tightly not one has fallen
So many years I've shaped each one
Reflecting my heart showing who I am

Now you're asking me to show
What I'm holding oh so tightly
Can't open my hands can't let go
Does it matter? Should I show you?
Can't you let me go?

Surrender, surrender you whisper gently
You say I will be free
I know but can't you see?
My dreams are me. My dreams are me

You say you have a plan for me
And that you want the best for my life
Told me the world had yet to see
What you can do with one
That's committed to Your calling

I know of course what I should do
That I can't hold these dreams forever
If I give them now to You
Will You take them away forever?
Or can I dream again?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

This and That

I finally cleaned off my camera and so for the next couple posts I will just be updating pictures!! The girls are growing everyday and are the best of friends!! It is soooo awesome to get to be there mom(even though some days they make me a little crazy;)) Here is a little of this and that, which makes up our simply life!!

Granny bought the girls some princess crowns and I don't think the girls took them off for like three days!! They loved them!!

Kimberlin's ever so loving looks that you can read like a book!

We had the chance to get to babysit Lyric and the girls are sooo helpful!!

Kimber isn't really sure about another baby though;)

Sleeping in a tent in there room!!
I sleep with this eye patch at night, well Belle takes naps in our bedroom during the day so sometimes she sneaks it on!! I just happen get a picture!!
One day in February the weather was so beautiful we loaded up and went to the Zoo for a picnic!!

Wrestle time with daddy!!

Love this shot:)

Hair finally long enough for piggy tails!!