Thursday, May 31, 2012

This is how we spend a lot of our days!!!


Dad's Birthday

 These are pictures my dad's birthday last year!  Some of my favorite pics are in this bunch of shots! 

 Favorite thing about my family is how we can turn any day into a game day!!  I LOVE this!!  great memories!!

Christmas tree farming!!!

I know I am the worst blogger EVER these last six months but our computer crashed last November and we were without it for quite sometime, so to keep everything in order I am trying to upload them in order! This last christmas was our first christmas to go to a christmas tree farm and it was so much fun, the girls loved it and we will probably get our tree this way from now on!! 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

9 Year Mark!

Yes I am playing catch up on my pictures, but once again, better late than never!   Last December we celebrated 9 years of marriage!!  I one grateful woman to have him in my life!!      

Monday, May 7, 2012

Reading time with Dad!!

Kimberlin has always crossed her feet like this, since as early as she could she has.  It makes me smile!

Many Faces of Kimberlin!

My youngest daughter keeps us laughing and also keeps me on my tooes (or knees) on parenting!  She is a true joy and here are just some of her faces that she makes in a day or in five minutes!

 She is trying to create a new style!  lol