Sunday, January 17, 2010

A crazy oange slipper...and some vomit...

I know weird title to my post, right?? But I think that this will make sense by the end of my post....I hope.

Do you ever stop and think about the events of your day and how one thing (action or event) leads you "to do" or "not do" certain things? Life is a funny thing. All day long Friday Isabelle was asking me to look for her princess shoe that she couldn't find. Well I did...I looked through her toy baskets, under her bed, in her stuffed animal basket, and in her play house and I couldn't find it anywhere. I promised my daughter I would keep looking, after all I was in super clean mode and working on the house--I swept, mopped and vacuumed every square inch of this house and still no shoe:( Later that night after a full evening of events and being out and about we come home and I unloaded Kimberlin from her car seat and I am holding her right next to the couch and she throws up everywhere.....yuck (this was bound to happen because I had been mopping the floors all day:). So Jon takes her to the bath and I am cleaning up the throw up when I scoop the paper towel under the edge of the couch, what do I find?? The crazy wonderful orange princess slipper!! I smiled in the midst of my daughter jumping up and down that her long lost slipper was found, the sick daughter who needed a bath, and the vomit. I smiled because she could have thrown up anywhere in our house, but it was right besides her sisters long lost slipper!

Why is this important to blog about?? Because in a weird way it made me feel like God cared---in a strange way like He was a part of my craziness called my life:-) It was like He said I know that this is important to Isabelle and I am going to let you find the shoe but in a way that makes you thankful for finding the shoe...not just "oh here is the shoe!"

BTW Kimberlin is fine, just an upset tummy:-)

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