Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My sweet sweet husband!

So I just wanted to write a post about the wonderful man that I am walking this journey we call "life" with. I came across this picture and I was reminded of how much I love and appreciate who he is, all he does and who he helps me to be. He does so much with the girls to help me out and he truly is one of my heroes. We are working on seven years of marraige come December and I really do love him in a whole new way then when we first started out, the sort of love that has weathered storms and now truly knows commitment. He challenges me to be a better wife, mother, daughter and sister. He lets me be who I am and he's ok that that isn't perfect. so babe this is for you to tell you that I'm grateful to have you be by my side. Thanks for our beautiful family and for walking on with me. You're the best! I love you

1 comment:

  1. Awww that is so sweet! It's amazing how each day, the love you have for one another seems to grow and grow. God is so good!
