Thursday, January 13, 2011

Defining Moment...

January for me comes with a lot more time spent indoors, and the girls and I don't get out that much. If you remember reading my profile 'I HATE the cold weather' so I really do try to avoid it at all costs. This means that I am not around as many people as I normally am, and with this it brings a lot of time to think about life.
The other day as I was folding another load of laundry, this question kept creeping up in my head?? Who am I? Am I a follwer of Christ, a wife, a mom, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a leader, a follower?? Yes. What defines me? Does a role I live define me, a realtionship I have? Does how I choose to spend my time define me? I then started thinking about how the little choices in life do define us and they do create who we are, but that still left me feeling disappointed because I know I haven't made the best choices in life and if all these things are chiseling out who I am then I am afraid there would be a lot of cracks straight to the core.
I am grateful that a weak moment or even a great moment in one single act doesn't create who we are as a whole but rather that God is the one who is defining who we are and creating us to look more like Him from the inside out, if we choose to follow Him.
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God, prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10
So am I (are we) choosing to walk with confidence into the good works which God has prepared for us? As someone wise once asked me, "the question is simple...are you going to be obedient or not??"

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