Friday, October 9, 2009

To Blog, or Not To Blog???

The question to blog or not to blog about my weight loss journey has been on my mind a lot lately. I was thinking yesterday that the one thing I would've done different (besides gaining weight) was I would have kept a better journal of my journey. I journal at least three to five times a week, and in those then I have randomly mentioned how I was doing but I wish I would have journaled all of it. I remember only being able to run five mintues straight and I felt like I would die, then last weekend I ran a 5k!! The question to blog or not is a tough one bc I feel like I would bore people with my story...but I'm going to do it. I started this journey with two other girls in my life and I am so thankful that they chose to walk it with me (total we have lost 60 pounds). It has been tough at times, but good. It has been sad at times, but exciting. So here I go...after I had Kimber I figured I would weigh in close to 150 pounds...not the case. So when I decided to get serious about all of this I stepped up on the scale and the number came back not good for my frame of 5'4"(dangerous for blood pressure/my bmi was in the danger zone). I was scared and thought how the heck am I going to be a good mom when I feel so blah all the time bc my weight was holding me back. The comment that actaully got me in the gym was a check out lady at the store asked when my baby was due??!!?? What?? I had already had Kimberlin and I thought I was looking good(compared to a huge belly with a baby inside) I still wasn't healthy. I have not gone to the gym less than three times a week since that comment, but I was greatful for it, bc it changed my life. Anyway fast forward to now and I am weighing in at 140.7, I have LOST 21.3 pounds...almost 15% of my body weight!!!! WOW (and a little gross)! My final goal is 130, so next week if I can lose just over 1/2 pound I will be into my single digits of my journey. I feel so much better now, even though I haven't arrived I feel great! Figuring out how to fit the gym in around nursing an infant and caring for a toddler, and how to measure every bite I take has been a challenge. As of right now it looks like waking up at 6 am (for anyone that knows me I'm not a morning person) I feed Kimber at that time, then I am back home and showered by eight to wake up my family! I have more energy then I have ever had before and I am grateful that I am getting healthy so that I can be the best role model for my girls. This morning when I got home Belle looked at me and said, "mom, did you go running so you can get faster and stronger?" then she said, "great job, mom!" I will post my next weigh in day! Until it becomes freedom...

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Way to go Randi!!!! I'm really so proud of you. You are totally an inspiration to me!
