Monday, August 9, 2010

Workout Queen

I am trying to live a more a disciplined life, seeing as I have gained some of my weight back, I have realized that this is probably going to be a constant battle between my body and fitting into my jeans, I am OK with this it is just going to take a lot of work. Anyway I have been trying to get up and go to the gym every morning, very early, so onto my story. I was at the gym this morning and I ran, what felt like FOREVER, and then I was on the stair master for quite awhile. There were these two ladies there and they came in after I had began my run, so they did their thing and I did mine, well when they went to leave I was still stepping away and I noticed she was talking to me, so I pulled my ear bud out (I am a little anti-social when I am focused) she said, "man, you are like the workout queen!" I am not going to lie this was flattering, it meant a lot to me to come from from someone asking me when I was due when I was POSTpartum, to being called the workout queen:) Now in all honesty I realize that I am nowhere as fit as I could be or need to be, thus making me NOT the 'workout queen,' but on this day, on this particular Monday, it felt good to hear. So to all those who are trying to stay fit and healthy, workout today like you are the 'workout queen' because at least doing something about it, is worth celebrating.

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